Participates in the documenta III in Kassel, Germany.

In front of the painting Documenta III


Second Prize, VI. Exposition Internationale de Gravure, Ljubljana. Travels through Jugoslawia, to Montenegro, the Herzegowina, and Bosnia.


Professorship at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe.

In his studio, 1966


Prize of the Governor of Tokyo, in celebration of the 5th International Biennale Exhibition of Prints, Tokyo, Japan.

Travels through Norway.


Guest professorship at the Minneapolis School of Art, Minneapolis, USA. In Minneapolis, a series of works on paper are created. First, this series called Minneapolis Suite 1968 was exhibited at the Lefebre Gallery in New York, in the following year at the Galerie de Montréal in Montréal, Canada. Extensive travels through the USA.

In his studio, 1967